Soul Inspired Gurl Podcast

Kristin Hallett: Leaning Into Death As A Way To Inspire Life

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This episode is with Kristin Hallett and today we are talking about life and death and what death has taught her about living. Kristin’s work within her business, The Ellipsis Experience, holds space for clients to look at how far they have come, cherish each present moment and ask themselves “who do I want to be when I die?”

It is her destined hearts’ work to encapsulate the essence of each honoured muse, in written (plus auditory) form, to treasure and purposefully pass on. This discussion will inspire you to ask questions you may have never asked yourself. It will make you reflect on life (+ death) going forward and it most certainly will linger in your heart space. Kristin has that way about her.

Things we touch on in this episode:

  • Importance of addressing and processing unprocessed grief.
  • Older generations suppressing grief.
  • Misconception that engaging with grief consumes individuals.
  • Grief becoming a part of one’s being and making their soul stronger.
  • Grief as soul work and the importance of engagement within oneself and in community.
  • Sitting down with people to discuss their values and attach a legacy letter to a will. 
  • Kristin’s clientele mostly composed of actively dying individuals.
  • Transformative awakening through this experience.
  • Bringing ceremony to the dying process.
  • Helping people let go and accepting death as natural.
  • Criticism of Western medicine’s fight against death.
  • Conversation about how individuals want to spend their last days.
  • Changing the conversation around death to be more present in life.
  • Trusting intuition and making decisions about one’s own body.
  • Significance of ceremonies and rituals in grieving.
  • Society’s dissociation from cultural practices.
  • Differentiating between feeling happy and allowing oneself to feel.
  • Gratitude for support and promotion of engagement.
  • Sessions designed to shift perspective on death and fully live.
  • Love letter representing essence, goals, dreams, and aspirations.
  • Importance of healing in community and witnessing healing.
  • Importance of community in grief and dying.
  • Kristin’s grief circles she holds.

Notable quotes from Kristin:

  1. The Importance of Conversations About Death: “And our fear of death, it links to everything, every choice we make in life, everything that’s holding us back.”
  2. Terminal Illness Care: “To walk someone home truly is the greatest honor ever.”
  3. The Power of Expressing Love: “And it’s those moments where I will let them know that they need to hear it. But back to the weight of it all…giving permission for them to tell a loved one…you can just let go, because we try and try to control so much and that’s where the fear of death comes from. You can’t control it and it will help you let go of that control just to simply love you.
  4. The Power of Grief: “There is a bottom. There is a bottom…You will find your way back. But it’s active. It needs to be active in community and also within yourself to work through it.”
  5. The Importance of Trusting Your Intuition: “You get to decide how your body leaves here. And I think that that’s extremely important because time and time again we just give that autonomy up because it’s new. But you can still trust your intuition and your gut because we are at the root of us meant for ceremony, all of us intrinsically.”
  6. The Gift of a Love Letter: “Yes, come and do this session with me. You’re going to end up with this incredible love letter… It’s your essence of who you are. No matter what you do, you are still you on the inside with goals and dreams and aspirations… So it’s better to look at as a security deposit of just a gift to them instead of making it go to the morbid side.”

Timestamp – 

[00:04:48] Kristin spoke at The New Human Event in Enderby, BC Canada

[00:07:05] Discovering passion for deep interviews, writing legacy letters.

[00:13:52] Death links to choices, overcoming fear. Important shift in cultural avoidance. Real conversations happen with no masks. Adrenaline of life fuels sessions.

[00:16:02] Unprepared. Helping families. Honored to assist.

[00:21:54] Processing grief through active engagement and community.

[00:25:02] Healing in community is beautiful and necessary.

[00:30:16] Improving death process: ceremonies, quality over quantity.

[00:34:33] Creating a meaningful experience amidst life’s lows.

[00:36:53] Decide your body’s departure, trust your intuition.

[00:40:55] Shift your lens, strip fear, really live by writing an incredible love letter.

[00:44:02] Offering limited sessions with passion.

More About Kristin Hallett:

Kristin Hallett looks to death as a constant reminder to wake up and live. She is a seasoned writer, speaker, journalist, author and well-intentioned humourist. She has hosted morning show TV, travelled and worked with the NHL Flames – dedicated to sharing the humanness behind each player – and published the Amazon bestseller and beloved book, Bee Love.
With an innate devotion to meaning-making, Kristin launched The Ellipsis Experience. It is her destined hearts’ work to encapsulate the essence of each honoured muse, in written (plus auditory) form, to treasure and purposefully pass on. Kristin holds space for clients to look at how far they have come, cherish each present moment and ask themselves “who do I want to be when I die?”



More About Dr. Laura Foster 



I have recently opened up some opportunities for women to work 1:1 with me in personal leadership coaching. This year my group program (ROOTS) is on pause … I can feel a deep level of 1:1 work that’s emerging for me and I’m creating as much space as possible for what’s coming through.

If you feel called to work with me, you can book a free discovery call right here. You can also reach out to me through private direct message on INSTAGRAM and we can take the next step.

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Blessings, L

Join Dr. Laura Foster + her guests as we drop into potent conversations around freedom, spirituality, health, wealth, intuition, the divine feminine, entrepreneurship, sovereignty and the greatest expression of your soul self.

This podcast will inspire you to awaken the flame within and answer the rising “call to action” you feel within your soul. These conversations embody strategy and some powerful mindset shifts that will help you release what no longer serves you, reclaim the truth of your life and stand in the power of your most feminine, sovereign badass self. Get ready to stand with more confidence, curiosity and courage than ever before. 

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