Soul Inspired Gurl Podcast

Meaghan Alton: Numerology – Using The Language of Numbers To Interpret Energy

Today I am talking to Meaghan Alton, a Master Numerologist, Economist, Business Coach to Professional Intuitives and Healers, and a Professional Intuitive.

In this conversation, we dive deep into Numerology. Meaghan describes numerology as using the language of numbers to interpret energy. It’s all about the energy of business, abundance, and above all, what’s available to you in the expansion of your life.

Meghan teaches us about soul codes and how claiming and understanding our soul codes is an extraordinary way of stepping onto our life path and fulfilling our soul purpose. I even ask her about the repeating numbers we all see and talk about. You know – numbers like 11:11 and 444. She explains what they actually mean, how they inform us and how we can step more deeply into our intuition and claim more abundance. 

In this episode you’ll also hear more about:

  • The intersection between intuition, business, energy and magic. 
  • How Meaghan’s money beliefs dictated her beliefs on feeling free. 
  • Her early start into numerology, and helping her clients realize their full potential through tarot and numerology. 
  • Her journey through different career paths and her transition from being an Economist to a Numerologist. 
  • How we can interpret energy through different modalities. 
  • What repeating numbers really mean.
  • The connection between Numerology and Spirituality.  
  • The year of the SIX – A beautiful full circle moment of Meaghan telling more about the significance of this time. 

Key quotes from Meaghan:

  • “Money equals freedom. If I could understand how money works, I could feel free.”
  • “The people who are here to make a difference in the world deserve to feel financially supported in a business that lets them thrive.”
  • “My work as a numerologist and as an economist was all about predicting and understanding numbers.”
  • “Energy is a nebulous cloud of filings floating in the air and numerology is a magnet that grounds and gives structure to the cloud of filings, and then your intuition comes into interpretation.”
  • “Repeating numbers are messages that you are receiving that can have a deeper meaning.”
  • “Sometimes falling off track is the track.”
  • “Number 2 can be seen as the coming together of souls or intuition.”
  • “Number 6 is very powerful and deals with a lot of karma.”
  • “When we try to separate science and energy, it’s confusing.”
  • “The birth chart in numerology is like a manual.”
  • “Challenges are actually portals.”

10-Week Signature Program for Women: ROOTS + The Sisterhood is open for registration October 18, 2022.

ROOTS will help you tap into your feminine superpowers and remember who you are, why you are here, and why it matters. This dynamic program walks through intuition, connecting with your inner knowing, healthy boundary-setting, personal core values, finding your voice, speaking your truth, expansion, self-compassion, identity, your future self, and the frequency of your rise. You were never meant to do this alone. Are you ready to do the best work of your life?

Get on the WAITLIST here  / Sign up for October 18, 2022 registration. We begin October 27th.

Free Masterclass: Walking Your Path – A Masterclass for Empowered Women. 

Thursday, October 20th 4:30 pm PT / 7:30 pm ET

What does it mean to walk your path? It means that you consciously and intentionally step more into who you truly are and have your life reflect the unique and wildly beautiful human that you already are.

When we live out of alignment with our soul path, we leak energy, betray our soul intentions and live an inner battle of conflicting emotions and disempowering actions. Sometimes it’ll feel like you are swimming upstream when all you really desire is a life of fulfillment. 

I’m inspired to lead a class on WALKING YOUR PATH – filled with a shift in mindset and actionable strategies that will help you live your life with more ease, peace and genuine authenticity.

 Calling all empowered women, this one’s for you.

Sign up for the live class [and receive the replay] HERE.

Continue On Your Journey with Dr. Laura Foster:

Soul Inspired Gurl / Instagram / Book A Coaching Discovery Call With Me

Meaghan Alton: Instagram | Website | Facebook | FREE OFFERING  Magnetic Soul Codes | Meaghan’s Practical Numerology Certification Course starting October 11, 2022

Meaghan’s bio: 

Meaghan helps deep-feeling leaders find stability and security so they can share their gifts with the world and be financially supported in their business. She teaches Numerology and Business for Intuitive Leaders so those who are here to make a powerful difference in the world can make the impact they were born to make.

Join Dr. Laura Foster + her guests as we drop into potent conversations around freedom, spirituality, health, wealth, intuition, the divine feminine, entrepreneurship, sovereignty and the greatest expression of your soul self.

This podcast will inspire you to awaken the flame within and answer the rising “call to action” you feel within your soul. These conversations embody strategy and some powerful mindset shifts that will help you release what no longer serves you, reclaim the truth of your life and stand in the power of your most feminine, sovereign badass self. Get ready to stand with more confidence, curiosity and courage than ever before. 

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