Soul Inspired Gurl Podcast

Sarah Shepherd: The Gene Keys – Embracing Your Higher Purpose

This week’s episode is with Certified Gene Keys Guide Sarah Shepherd. Sarah is the Founder and CEO of KarmaWell Health and is a Registered Massage Therapist in Vernon, BC, Canada.Personally I have limited knowledge of Gene Keys, but trust me when I say – when it drops into your life, you’re going to want to know more. 

If you know what Gene Keys is, you are going to have such an appreciation for this episode and how Sarah speaks so eloquently to the potentiality of human consciousness. If you are new to Gene Keys, welcome. This episode is going to blow your mind.  

Sarah shares so much about the Gene Keys:  what it is, what support it can offer us, and how your hologenetic profile is determined by the precise timing and placement of your birth in the Universe. 

You can find out what your specific hologenetic profile is right here ->  (find your your profile here).

What else you’ll hear about in this episode:

  • The history of Gene Keys and how you can use it to embrace your higher purpose.
  • How Sarah has used Gene Keys to connect with her mystic identity. 
  • Sarah’s desire to understand the body through massage therapy and how she found her way to mysticism and spirituality through yoga. 
  • We are in the era of shamans waking up. 
  • How you can alter the lens through which you see the world.
  • The Gift | The Shadow | The Siddhi
  • The Gene Keys are messengers that relay information and help you evolve your life’s work and inner purpose so that they come into alignment.
  • Manifestation + the ‘Grand Awakening’.
  • The connection between human design and Gene Keys.
  • The current season that the world is in is and shifting the way we communicate with each other.

Key Quotes from Sarah Shepherd:

  • “Gene Keys have helped me claim pieces of my identity.”
  • “I can deny myself these pieces that are so important to me, or I can erase them.”
  • “Earth is a density of frequency that we reside at, and in this density, we are souls playing human.”
  • “When you are born and where you are on the planet versus where the solar system is – this imprint becomes your path in this life. Your hero’s journey.” 
  • “The 64 archetypes are the 64 ways of consciousness.”
  • “We can be moved by our soul in inspiration and desperation.”
  • “It’s less about the DNA that was handed down to us, and more about the attitude and our consciousness.”
  • “We are in charge of our experience and presence, and also literally what we draw to us as magnets. This is why manifestation is so big right now.”
  • “Its not enough just to think of the thing you want to create in your life, it is important that you really feel how it will feel once you have that experience.”
  • “The heart is not a victim of circumstances. It’s really a guiding force.”

10-Week Signature Program for Women: ROOTS + The Sisterhood is open for registration October 18, 2022.

ROOTS is a twelve week, 10 live module journey back to self that will help you tap into your feminine superpowers and remember who you are, why you are here, and why it matters. This dynamic program walks through intuition, connecting with your inner knowing, healthy boundary-setting, personal core values, finding your voice, speaking your truth, expansion, self-compassion, identity, your future self, and the frequency of your rise. 

Two options: Live Group ROOTS work + resources or leverage the experience with personalized 1:1 coaching. 

We begin October 27, 2022. Link to REGISTER HERE.

Free Masterclass: Walking Your Path – A Masterclass for Empowered Women. 

Thursday, October 20th 4:30 pm PT / 7:30 pm ET

3 Pillars | 3 Strategies | 1 Incredible Conversation

When we live out of alignment with our soul path, we leak energy, betray our soul intentions and live an inner battle of conflicting emotions and disempowering actions. Sometimes it’ll feel like you are swimming upstream when all you really desire is a life of fulfillment. 

I’m inspired to lead a class on WALKING YOUR PATH – filled with a shift in mindset and actionable strategies that will help you live your life with more ease, peace and genuine authenticity.

 Calling all empowered women, this one’s for you.

Sign up for the live class [and receive the replay] HERE.

Continue On Your Journey with Dr. Laura Foster:

Soul Inspired Gurl / Instagram / Book A Coaching Discovery Call With Me

Sarah Shepherd: Instagram | Website | Find Your Gene Keys profile 

Sarah’s bio: 

This year marks the anniversary of 20 years as a Registered Massage Therapist, so I have a lengthy list of body related healing techniques. I started a membership massage franchise at 28, ran an off grid retreat Center with my former for 12 years, I am now a single mother of an 8 year old autistic charming human. I am the founder of a SaaS based tech company for wellness practitioners and I am obsessed with helping my people discover their genius with the Genekeys teachings by Richard Rudd.

Join Dr. Laura Foster + her guests as we drop into potent conversations around freedom, spirituality, health, wealth, intuition, the divine feminine, entrepreneurship, sovereignty and the greatest expression of your soul self.

This podcast will inspire you to awaken the flame within and answer the rising “call to action” you feel within your soul. These conversations embody strategy and some powerful mindset shifts that will help you release what no longer serves you, reclaim the truth of your life and stand in the power of your most feminine, sovereign badass self. Get ready to stand with more confidence, curiosity and courage than ever before. 

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