Soul Inspired Gurl Podcast

Solo Episode: The World Needs Your Healing

Download the transcript of this episode.

This short episode is a solo episode talking about HEALING.

The healing we’ve done.

The healing we’ve yet to do.

And the healing that is between where we are and where we want to be.

Eight weeks ago I started to practice again after a four year break. In this time I have known that many of us are struggling in our wholeness.

The stress (in all its forms), unprocessed emotions and trauma have left many humans managing … versus thriving.

Simply put, I’m sharing my thoughts and views on what’s happening in the world right now and how you can move into a greater state of healing … if you so choose.


00:00. Introduction and Purpose of the Episode

01:22. Returning to Chiropractic Practice

03:10  The Call to Return to Private Practice

05:06. The Healing Journey

08:00. Unprocessed Emotions and Trauma

10:23. The Effects of the Last Few Years

12:49. The Work of Healing

15:13. Facing and Inviting Healing

18:09. Healing as a Call to Action

19:22. Conclusion and Retreat Announcements

Working With Laura + Attending Retreats:



I have recently opened up some opportunities for women to work 1:1 with me in personal leadership coaching. This year my group programs are on pause … I can feel a deep level of 1:1 work that’s emerging for me and I’m creating as much space as possible for what’s coming through.

I have two upcoming group retreats:  April 6-13, 2024 MexicoJuly 19-23, 2024 Ontario, Canada

I also curate 1:1 personal, 4-5 day deep-dive retreats that are intimate and powerful – here in Costa Rica. One opportunity Jan 2024. One opportunity March 2024. Contact me for more info on this and future opportunities. 

Coach with me and step into yours, fully and completely.

I lead Elemental Rhythm Breathwork in person (Costa Rica) and online.

You can book a free discovery call right here. You can also reach out to me through direct message on INSTAGRAM and we can take the next step.

Please share, rate, review and subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify or wherever you listen to your podcasts. It makes a massive difference in supporting this work and we deeply appreciate it.

Blessings, L

Join Dr. Laura Foster + her guests as we drop into potent conversations around freedom, spirituality, health, wealth, intuition, the divine feminine, entrepreneurship, sovereignty and the greatest expression of your soul self.

This podcast will inspire you to awaken the flame within and answer the rising “call to action” you feel within your soul. These conversations embody strategy and some powerful mindset shifts that will help you release what no longer serves you, reclaim the truth of your life and stand in the power of your most feminine, sovereign badass self. Get ready to stand with more confidence, curiosity and courage than ever before. 

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Wednesday, February 26

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