Soul Inspired Gurl Podcast

Solo Episode: The Pearls + Gems of 2022 – My Biggest Lessons and Rememberings

This is my first solo episode of Season 2 and I’m sharing my biggest lessons and rememberings of 2022.

I had some really significant lessons handed to me last year and as I often do, I like to close out the year sitting in reflection of both my highs and my lows. I usually spend 2-3 hours walking myself through my year – deconstructing it – so that I can harness the pearls and gems of my journey.

Today I’m sharing my FIVE biggest lessons. Some I felt I learned for the first time and some gems I felt came back into my awareness. I remembered them. Kind of like, “Oh yes, … thank you. Thank you for this reminder of what I already knew.” 

This ritual is one that helps me remember that I’m wiser than I sometimes let myself believe and something tells me you are too. Hopefully this solo episode sparks a remembering in you and helps you reflect on what’s coming through you to be heard, witnessed and healed too. 

Some highlights from the episode:

#1. Let yourself see the absolute truth of your life – without judgement

#2. Don’t shy away from tough conversations. It’s a skill that requires practice. Don’t overthink or overcomplicate it. Simply show up to the conversation that’s right in front of you.

#3. Focus on what you do know — not what you don’t. When you stop hyperfocusing on the unanswered questions of your life it gives space to have what is flowing towards you, to flow in. There is such a thing as divine order and by allowing yourself to find patience and cultivate deeper trust, you give permission for the Universe to deliver more than you thought possible.

#4. Let support in. I share a story of how my lack of truly receiving has been blocking the sacred reciprocity of the giving + receiving cycle. Less vigilance – more softening.

#5. Hold your fears and your desires lightly.  Allowing the seasons of life to truly come and go means that I can welcome, receive and release this process with more gratitude and presence. Learning to let things go so that you can be there to let life grow. There’s no other way and this acceptance — shall I say ‘surrendering’ has been one of my biggest lessons of 2022.

Dive in and enjoy the episode.

Thank you for listening to the podcast. I’m deeply honoured to have you be an active or new listener.  I have recently opened up some opportunities for women to work 1:1 with me in personal leadership coaching. This year my group program (ROOTS) is on pause … I can feel a deep level of 1:1 work that’s emerging for me and I’m creating as much space as possible for what’s coming through.

If you feel called to work with me, you can book a free discovery call right here. You can also reach out to me through private direct message on INSTAGRAM and we can take the next step. Lastly, we are almost sold out for my retreat that I’m co-hosting with the extraordinary Shirlee Williams in Puerto Vallarta Mexico in April. If you are interested, we only have ONE room left so if it calls to you, message me ASAP.

Retreat INFO


Please share, rate, review and subscribe to the podcast. It makes a massive difference in supporting this work and we deeply appreciate it. Blessings, L

Join Dr. Laura Foster + her guests as we drop into potent conversations around freedom, spirituality, health, wealth, intuition, the divine feminine, entrepreneurship, sovereignty and the greatest expression of your soul self.

This podcast will inspire you to awaken the flame within and answer the rising “call to action” you feel within your soul. These conversations embody strategy and some powerful mindset shifts that will help you release what no longer serves you, reclaim the truth of your life and stand in the power of your most feminine, sovereign badass self. Get ready to stand with more confidence, curiosity and courage than ever before. 

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Wednesday, February 26

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