In this solo episode, Dr. Laura shares her personal experience of what her journey of awakening has been like over the past couple of years. She drops right into the truth of her experience – the ‘awakening’ to the illusions of the world and to the truth of her life. Also, the awakening to what’s possible, what’s right here and who she is becoming in the process.
Maybe you’ve felt an awakening within you?
You are simply curious to what this may mean in your life?
Either way – this is the theme of this episode and it’s here for your contemplation or confirmation. Something tells me many of you are on this path and will appreciate the candor of this topic and episode.
[BTW – If you like this episode, you are invited to a free zoom event led by Dr. Laura on Tuesday, July 19, 2022: The Awakening Gathering].
Dr. Laura is a firm believer that speaking her truth is part of her soul’s path. She shares this piece of comfort – just remember, you are not yourself right before a new beginning.
What you will hear in this episode:
- Dr. Laura’s definition and personal experience of awakening.
- She reads a short Instagram post that landed deeply with her audience and inspired this discussion to become a podcast episode. [And also an upcoming free Zoom event with Dr. Laura on Tuesday, July 19, 2022: The Awakening Gathering].
- The importance of finding what is deeply important to oneself and staying true to it.
- Autostereograms: what they are and how they inspired her to get out of the chaos and details of life so that she could connect with her Higher Truths.
- How her awakening to life has allowed her to move more into “flow” and less trying to hyper control what’s around her.
- How grief has been a recurring theme for her as she has chosen to allow illusions to fall away. Through this journey a lot of emotions have come up, including the feelings of deep sadness and the need to let go.
- The difference between “The Truth” vs “My Truth”
- We are our humanness … more than our humanness. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.
- How to support others going through their own awakening journey.
- Dr. Laura’s personal awakening calling: to surrender more and gripping less.
“I celebrate my inability to tolerate BS.”
“I invest my time and energy into the world I want to live in.”
“I would rather be shunned for who I am, than loved for who I am not.”
“We are where we are.”
“You are not yourself, right before a new beginning.”
“You may be feeling like you are sipping in the truth of life through a firehose.”
“You are the personal authority on your truth.”
“I cannot un-see what I see, and un-hear what I hear.”
“My inner knowing is my true north.”
“I know what I know and if I don’t know something right now, I don’t need to know.”
Link to Dr. Laura’s Instagram post mentioned in this episode.
The Awakening Gathering: Tuesday, July 19th @ 4:30 pm PT / 7:30 pm ET
The Awakening Gathering for women who are curious about the path of awakening and for those who are consciously claiming their awakening.
Here’s how the session will flow:
- Open the sacred gathering.
- Lead a discussion about what awakening is and what it is for me.
- Reflection on how it may look and feel and what comes up for you in this process (even if you aren’t sure you are experiencing an awakening).
- How you can support yourself along this path.
- How to deepen into the surrender and anchor into a lightness of being.
- Conversation + closing of the sacred gathering.
We will use breath work (gentle pranayama) and Emotional Freedom Technique Tapping to support the process. Session led by Dr. Laura Foster | Soul Inspired Gurl.
Take Dr. Laura’s Free Quiz! — What’s your Divine Feminine Sovereign Style?
This quiz will help to reveal your soul-guided sovereign style so that you can harness your feminine spark with more confidence and courage than ever before. The quiz is quick but the results are epic — potent, robust, and exactly what you’ll need to harness your unique feminine style in a way you’ve never done before. Get ready to speak your truth, walk in your fire, and own your gifts like never before.
10-Week Signature Program for Women: ROOTS + The Sisterhood
ROOTS will help you tap into your feminine superpowers and remember who you are, why you are here, and why it matters. This dynamic program walks through intuition, connecting with your inner knowing, healthy boundary-setting, personal core values, finding your voice, speaking your truth, expansion, self-compassion, identity, your future self, and the frequency of your rise. You were never meant to do this alone. Are you ready to do the best work of your life?
Sovereignty, Self-Compassion, and Standing In Your Personal Power. It’s time to walk your path. Get on the WAITLIST here.
Continue On Your Journey:
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