Soul Inspired BLOG

Your Voice Has Power

I’m passionate about clearing the heck out of your fifth chakra — no holds barred, and here’s why –

When you let your feelings go chronically unexpressed and you minimize what flows from you so that you diminish the effect on others, you surrender your inner peace.

And that’s no small thing. What’s in you, is in you for a reason and when it rises up to be expressed, it’s important to honour it.

It’s important to honour you — even when you are unsure why it feels so necessary.

Speaking your truth, when you feel called and in the way that supports you,  is a complete game changer in the self mastery department.

Your voice is a powerful connection to your purpose and your presence. Tuning in to your truth and allowing what comes through you to be released into the world is your way of finding, settling and standing in who you are.

There is sacred messaging in your words and whomever needs to hear your wise counsel will hear your voice – no matter how it is delivered. And sometimes, my friend, the messaging is for you. 

Speaking your truth, when you feel called, is a way to develop:

  • Authenticity
  • Inner confidence
  • Self awareness
  • Deep connection to your unique path + purpose

It doesn’t need to come all at once or be perfect, polished and effortless.

In fact, it probably won’t.

And that’s okay. This I have learned. Your delivery is often connected to how the person who needs to hear your message can best hear it.

Polished and Perfect? Gosh … I wish.

It’s awesome when the stars align and your delivery feels flawless – but it’s less important than you may think.

The power move is simply acknowledging that your truth and your voice matters — and finding ways to bring it forth.

If you are on a conscious path of self-honouring you know this is true. 

Every time you choose silence when you feel called to speak your truth, you send yourself a message that your truth doesn’t matter.

Every now and again, no problem. When it’s your ongoing modus operandi, that’s when you start to feel the deep effects of your self-betrayal.

As I learned to speak my truth with more confidence + conviction, here’s what I told myself…

Your truth is tied to your ability to show up for yourself.

Please acknowledge this … deeply.

You, your voice + your truth matters more than you’ll ever know.

You can be brave and afraid, courageous and shaky – and still find your stride along the way. 

The world is waiting for your truth. 

Oh hello there!

I’m Laura. Tonal Chiropractor, Women’s Coach, Yoga Teacher, Breathwork Facilitator, Podcast Host, Experience Maker + Peaceful Activist. Everything I do is rooted in reminding busy humans to slow down + remember who they are, as we take a light, self-compassionate approach to bringing life into conscious alignment with the highest version of ourselves – with as many good hard belly laughs as possible along the way.

P.S. If you like this blog, you’ll love my email community. That’s where I share the most.

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Wednesday, February 26

Let's Breathe Together

Join me for Breath As Medicine, an online breathwork experience designed to help you clear stored tension, unprocessed emotions, and stuck energy, all with the power of your breath.